Sunday, February 5, 2012

Video Production in an EFL class

Firstly, I'd like to express my thanks to this course, because only due to it I revealed how critical and fascinating the field of video production is. Only few days ago I didn’t even know that video production can be used as a vital tool for learning. This technological tool became extremely useful for the development of students’ creative and critical thinking, as well as for the improvement of students’ speaking skills. After discussing video production with our professor I started to think about interesting performances that can be conducted with students of different ages and levels. This kind of digital technology gives a chance for both teachers and EFL learners to organize and accomplish various interesting activities, such as role plays, performances, storytelling, or video production on the specific topics that they are covering during their class. To be honest, it’s quite difficult for me to think of more activities that can be carried out with the help of video production, because my generation was deprived from this wonderful chance to use technology in classroom settings. But I’m sure that there are a lot of possibilities and creative activities that can be conducted by the teachers in an EFL classroom. I hope that one day our Armenian schools will be equipped with all kind of technology and digital media and out teachers will be enough competent to use those technological tools to their students’ benefits.

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